Learning Specialist - Natural Hazards Commission focus
Auckland Museum
Tāmaki Paenga Hira: Tui tui hono tangata, whenua me te moana.
Auckland War Memorial Museum: Connecting through sharing stories of people, lands and seas.
He whare ahurea, he whare taonga tuku iho anō hoki a Tāmaki Paenga Hira hoki kei roto pū o te ahurea o Tāmaki, e ngākau titikaha ana ki te manaaki i tōna kohinga taonga rongonui, ki te whakawhanake me te whakaatu i ngā kōrero pārekareka mā roto i ngā taiwhanga, i ngā whakaaturanga, i ngā takunetanga, i ngā kaupapa ako, me ngā kaimahi mauroa e whakapuaki ana i ngā kōrero o te Whare Taonga. Koinei hoki te whare whakamaharatanga o Tāmaki, ko te whare rangahau tawhito katoa o te motu, ā, he taunga matua mā te hunga tāpoi.
Auckland Museum is a much-loved culture and heritage organisation at the heart of Auckland's identity, committed to outstanding management of its world-class collections, developing and sharing engaging content through its galleries, exhibitions, events, educational programmes and the permanent and volunteer staff who tell the Museum's stories. We are Auckland's home of commemoration as well as the country’s oldest research institution and a major tourist destination.
Job Description
Kei te rapa nei mātou i tētahi tangata matatau i te reo Māori, ā, e ngākaunui ana ki te ao whakaako, otirā he mōhioranga ōna ki te Taiao.
Ko ngā Maunga Puia te kaupapa ako matua nei.
Kei te rapa nei i te tangata e āhei ana ki te kawe kounga mai i ōna wā ako i roto i te reo Māori, ā, kia kounga anō te kupu whakaako i roto i te reo Pākehā mō ngā Kura Auraki.
Ahakoa kē te reo tuku nei, kia mātua mai, ā, kia kounga mai te wairua Māori i roto i ngā akoranga.
He wāhanga nei kia whakahoahoatia e te tangata te hōtaka whakaako kia Māori ai tōna tuku ā whakaaro mai, ā pūrākau mai, ā wairua mai.
He mea nui tonu kia whai hononga ēnei mahi ki te marautanga ā-motu, kōhungahunga mai piki ake ki ngā mahi NCEA ki te taha Wharekura.
We are seeking a proficient Māori language speaker who is passionate about teaching, with a focus on environmental knowledge. The main topic is volcanoes. We are looking for someone who can deliver high-quality teaching in both the Māori and English languages for mainstream schools. Regardless of the language of instruction, the Māori ethos should be evident in the lessons. The teaching program must be adaptable so that Māori ideas, stories, and spirit can be incorporated. These activities must align with the national curriculum, from early childhood education to NCEA activities at the Wharekura level.
Desired Skills and Experience
Kia riro i a koe tēnei tūnga mahi kua mau rānei koe i te mōhioranga, i ngā pūkenga, i ngā āheinga me te wheakoranga i roto i ēnei e whai ake nei (To be eligible for this position you will be able to demonstrate knowledge, skills, abilities and experience in the following):
- He Tohu Paetahi Mātauranga Whakaako/Kaiako, Tikanga Whare Taonga, He Tohu Paetahi kē atu e whai pānga tata nei rānei (a Bachelor's Degree in Education/Teacher Education, Museum Studies, or other related degree)
- E rua ki te toru tau piki ake i roto i te Ao whakaako (Two to three years of experience in teaching)
- He mōhioranga otirā he wheakoranga i ngā tūāhuatanga ako rerekē (Knowledge and experience in different learning situations)
- He wheakoranga i roto i ngā kaupeka tā te GLAM (GLAM sector experience)
- He mōhioranga ki Te Aho Matua (Knowledge of Te Aho Matua)
- He mōhioranga e pā ana ki te Ara Mātauranga o Aotearoa puta noa ki ngā tuhinga here tā Te Marautanga o Aotearoa ā Māori, ā Auraki, Ka Hikitia, Te Mahere Mātauranga Pasifika, ngā tuhinga Rautaki a te Tāhūhū puta noa ki ngā rauemi ā ipurangi pērā i te TKI (Knowledge of New Zealand's Education Path through the Māori Curriculum, Auraki, Ka Hikitia, Te Mahere Mātauranga Pasifika, Tāhūhū Strategy documents and online resources such as in TKI)
- He māramatanga ki te rautaki Māori arā He Korahi Māori otirā ki te rautaki Pasifika Teu le Vā (an understanding of the Māori strategy ie He Korahi Māori and particularly the Pasifika Teu le Vā strategy)
- Kia kounga te whakahuatanga o ngā kupu Māori, ā kia kounga anō te mōhioranga ki te Ao Māori puta noa (should possess a good grasp of te reo Māori and pronunciation and knowledge of the Māori world)
- He māramatanga ki ngā herenga ā ture e hāngai pū ana ki te Whare Pupuri Taonga pērā ki te ture AWMM 1996 (An understanding of applicable legal obligations such as the AWMM Act 1996)
- He raihana matua hara kore (a clean driver's licence)
- Kua whai tohu, kua tutuki rānei i ngā akoranga e pā ana ki te tūkino me te tiaki tamariki, ā ka ngākau nui rānei kia tutuki taua kaupapa ako (has completed a child protection education qualification)
- He māramatanga rānō i ngā mahi rorohiko otirā ki ngā āhuatanga katoa tā te Tari MS {skilled in MS Office applications}
- Kia kounga te kupu kōrero i ngā kōrero ā waha me te tuhituhi kōrero (effective oral and written communication skills)
- Kia hīkaka ake te whai i te whanaungatanga i waenganui i ngā hoamahi puta noa ake ki te hapori whānui (foster relationships between colleagues and the wider community
- He āheinga kia whānui mai ngā whakaaro he whai atu i te tika otirā i te pai i ngā piki me ngā heke o te wā i roto i ngā mahi (is broad minded)
- He āheinga kia whānui tonu te āhuatanga whakaako ki tērā rōpū, ki tērā rōpū puta noa ake (an ability to teach diverse groups).
- He aronga nui kia whakawhanake haere i ngā tūāhuatanga whakangungu kaimahi otirā kia tau tonu te mōhioranga i ngā rautaki whakaako tiketike puta noa ake ki ngā herenga ariā tā te Ao mātauranga. (can implement high-quality teaching strategies).
Tono mai i tēnei rā! | Apply today!
Te Ra Kati: Mane, 10 Pepeure 2025. (Closing date: Monday, 10 February 2025). We may commence interview prior to the closing date of the advert.
Me tika te āheinga kia whai tūnga mahi ki Aotearoa nei. (You must be currently eligible to work in New Zealand to be considered for this position). Please view the position description here or select the apply button to view if on the Seek platform.
He whare manaaki, he whare atawhai a Tāmaki Paenga Hira. Ka manaakihia ngā momo tangata katoa, ka poipoi mātou i te tikanga-ruatanga i runga anō i ngā kōrero a mātou rautaki, arā ko Teu le Vā me He Korahi Māori. He nui anō ngā hua papai e whakawhiwhia ana ki ngā kaimahi pērā i ngā whakaritenga ngāwari mō te mahi me ngā rā whakatā, ngā momo inihua, otirā he hōtaka hauora kua whakawhiwhia ki tētahi tohu.
Auckland Museum offers a rich and fulfilling work life where we embrace diversity and nurture our bicultural capability as demonstrated in our Teu le Va and He Korahi Maori strategies. We also offer a range of great benefits such as flexible work and leave and an award-winning wellbeing programme.
He angitū kaitā tonu tēnei kia whakapiri mai ki tēnei whānau o Tāmaki Paenga Hira e kaha kōrero atu nei i ngā hītori, i ngā pakiwaitara o Tāmaki Mākaurau puta noa ake ki ngā kōrero whānui o te Motu he tūnga motuhake i roto i ngā nekehanga me te whakawhanaungatanga o Te Moananui ā Kiwa.
This is a great opportunity for someone looking to be part of a fabulous New Zealand organisation committed to telling our national and Auckland stories, reflecting our unique place in the South Pacific.
He Oranga Tangata Ka Ao
Enriching lives. Inspiring discoveries.
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